We propose that remsiion should always be held as the primary clinical ggoals and that lifestyle medicine intervetions that produce chaanges leeding to remission should be the standard of care in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
You have the right to be fully informed about all treatment options for Type 2 Diabetes before consenting to treatment.
You have the right to be given accurate, complete, and unbiased information about Type 2 Diabetes, pre-diabetes, and insulin resistance, including the benefits of treatment with a predominantly whole food, plant-based diet and other Lifestyle Medicine interventions such as physical activity, sleep hygiene, and stress management.
You have the right to know the full effects of all medications prescribed to you, including the side effects that can accelerate and
exacerbate the underlying causes of Type 2 Diabetes.
You have the right to know that certain foods increase your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
You have the right to have your Type 2 Diabetes medications reduced or eliminated, if you undergo lifestyle therapies that successfully treat the underlying causes of your condition.
You have the right to work with doctors and health care professionals who understand the links between lifestyle choices and Type 2 Diabetes, and who are equipped with the knowledge and strategies to treat and reverse disease through therapeutic lifestyle change.
You have the right to ongoing education on whole food, plant-based nutrition, meal planning, and culinary skills.
You have the right to know that the same diet and lifestyle changes that can prevent, arrest and, often reverse Type 2 Diabetes may do the same for other chronic conditions—coronary artery disease, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, even some cancers and autoimmune conditions—leading to the best chance of overall good health.
Call our office and set up consultation today. We require the first visit to be in person. However we offer telemedicine or in person follow-up appointments.
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) impacts around 10.5% of adults in the United States,1 with an increasing occurrence among younger age groups2,3 and roughly 21% of those with diabetes go undiagnosed.1
Research indicates that sufficiently intensive lifestyle intervention (intensive therapeutic lifestyle change), particularly adopting a predominantly whole food, plant-based dietary pattern, exercise, and sleep, may be comparable to bariatric surgery, a commonly recognized means of effectively achieving T2D remission, but without the potential for side effects.
Furthermore, studies have shown that the approach advocated by lifestyle medicine physicians can often and reduce or eliminate the need for prescription medications, including insulin.
Florida Weight Loss and Wellness Clinic
800 West Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Unit 4, Tampa, Florida 33603, United States